
Dr. Dobson's Newsletter: Marriage on the Ropes

A member in my congregation gave me this newsletter from Dobson to read. Frankly, Dobson is one of my least favorite Christian celebrities.

In this newsletter, Dobson describes the possibility of gay marriage becoming legal as “my worst fear.”

But aren't there far greater things to fear? What about less than 19% of those born after 1964 attending church regularly?

If you were Dobson wouldn't you feel very discouraged? Almost every social ill he has fought so hard has come to pass and has come to be accepted in our society.

This quote from Brock's NIVAC commentary Luke addresses this issue, referring to Luke 13:31-35:
We often treat the battles in our society as life and death matters, where we must win from the standpoint of appearance or “all is lost for righteousness’ sake.” But Jesus’ death has already brought the way to life, regardless of the specific environment we are asked to function in. Victory is ours no matter what happens in the world. The point is important, not as an excuse to withdraw form engagement in society, but to encourage the engagement with the right perspective on what victory is. Victory comes in faithfully representing him, not in winning the argument or vote. Jesus’ own life is the model here. No level of intimidation or rejection could keep him from completing his appointed rounds.

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