
Wired News: Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die

Ted the Gerbil
Originally uploaded by meke.

This is a powerful article that speaks much truth. Consider this great quote:
"My expectations have been raised to this ridiculous level by technology running amok through my heretofore-bucolic existence. I used to be a laid-back guy. Now I'm impatient. I chafe. I get irritable when my gratification isn't instantaneous. And it isn't just me. The whole world is bitchier these days.

I'm old enough to remember when waiting a few days for a letter to arrive was standard operating procedure, even in the bare-knuckles business world. I recall a time without answering machines, when you just had to keep calling back on your rotary phone until someone picked up. (Which had the unintended benefit of allowing you to reconsider whether the original call was even worth making in the first place.) The world moved at a more leisurely pace and, humanistically speaking, we were all the better for it.

Just because technology makes it possible for us to work 10 times faster than we used to doesn't mean we should do it. The body may be able to withstand the strain -- for a while -- but the spirit isn't meant to flail away uselessly on the commercial gerbil wheel."

The author, Tony Long is copy chief of Wired News. Maybe you thought you were reading an excerpt from the Constructive Curmudgeon but alas this is Wired News making this commentary all the more powerful.
For discussion: How do you feel about work, technology, and consumerism? Is your body keeping pace but your soul falling behind?

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