
Good Morning, Evangelicals! - Christianity Today Magazine

The following quote describes an interesting approach to church and church programs. This sounds a lot like Frank Tillapaugh's ideas as communicated in his book Calling.
"Haggard is so enthusiastic about free-market economics that he applies it to church. New Life offers hundreds of small-group activities, everything from 'Growing in God as a Wife and Mother' to 'Holy Hip-Hop Jam Session.' How do the pastors decide what to include? They don't. If someone comes up with an idea, and that person passes a basic screening, the church will help promote the group. New Life organizes the marketplace but leaves the details to the people, who write their own programs."

Sounds like a great idea to me! It would definitely keep churches from uttering those seven last words of a church: "We've never done it that way before!"

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