
Reverend Mike's House of Homiletic Hash: Yet Another Thing I Wish I'd Said First

This is a great quote I found at Mike's blog. I think this is the issue the emerging church is pushing for us to deal with.
I don't claim to have a full understanding of all of these transitions, but I am convinced that as one moves toward such an understanding, one begins to see that postmodernism is not merely an epistemological shift from objectivity to subjectivity, from reason to emotion, from certainty to probability. Much more is involved, more than I can relate here. But what I must note here is the fact that insofar as postmodernism is more than a shift in epistemology, it is not exactly a set of ideas that one can choose for or against. [Emphasis added.] The issue before us is not whether or not we agree with postmodernism. That is like asking whether or not we agree with the year 2004. The question before us is the same question that faces Christians in every age: how should we then live? Given the fact of the postmodern cultural transitions of the last half-century, how should we live out our Christian faith? Answering this question will of course involve critically agreeing or disagreeing with the responses to our cultural context put forward by others, but it will also require serious self-criticism and a willingness to think creatively in directions not explored by Christians in previous eras. Doubtless, this is a task fraught with difficulty and danger, but I take it to be central to a life of faith that is lived out in truth and love in its actual context.

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