
1 Timothy 1:12-17

I am experiencing this as a powerful passage this week. Through my Lectio Divina exercise, I too have experienced gratitude. Jesus Christ has given me strength at different times of my life. He strengthened me when I was between ministry positions delivering pizzas at Domino's and pulling wire in construction. He strengthens me in my current call as a small town pastor performing many ministry tasks that I was told I should avoid through "career counseling" I received in seminary. He strengthens me in my marriage, in parenting, in so many ways.

Yet there are so many times I do not avail myself to the strength he can provide.

I do not believe it to be a small coincidence that I am fasting this week as I study this passage. Fasting is a physical discipline that among other things, helps to remind us that the physical can be sustained by the spiritual. Surely the Apostle Paul had experienced this countless times in his life. Here, looking back at the years, he is able to be grateful for the many times Jesus strengthened him.

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