
Petty squabbles cause empty pews

IT ISN’T the big questions that stop people going to church — it is the little irritations, research has suggested.

Most churchgoers who abandon their weekly worship do so because they have had a dispute with a fellow member of the congregation.

A disagreement on a range of issues, from the way the organ is played to the content of the sermon, was the reason that nearly three quarters of respondents to a survey gave for why they felt people had left the Church.

This has been my experience in my churches. I have had numerous people tell me that they enjoy my preaching and enjoy the church but are currently in a conflict with someone at church and can't attend until things are worked out. Here's a question: how should pastors respond to such statements?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about: Don't you think you will eventually have that wherever you go? We all have conflicts andthey often aren't dealt with. The problem with small towns is that there is nowhere to go to totally avod them. Those in the city can avoid them with ease.