
Gender-Accurate Bible's Release Triggers Renewed Debate

Theologian J.I. Packer, James Dobson of Focus on the Family, and SBC seminary presidents R. Albert Mohler Jr. and Paige Patterson, were just a few of the religious leaders who argued vociferously against the new NIV revision.

So glad to see that Dobson has decided to throw his weight around on this issue! Not! Why James, why? Let the Bible scholars discuss this! The sad thing is Dobson has a huge platform for shaping opinion whereas the informed Bible scholars do not.

This issue is so frustrating that I don't even know were to begin commenting.

I think Dr. Craig Blomberg in his endorsement of the new translation puts it best,

The TNIV avoids the overly free translation of certain texts that previous gender-inclusive translations have included, while rendering gender-inclusive uses of "man," "he," "brothers," and the like with appropriate, contemporary English exactly corresponding to the meaning of the original Greek or Hebrew. Not to do this leaves a Bible that increasingly misleads the modern reader; as the father of two daughters I know first hand how this works!


Tim Van Tongeren said...

The NIV has gender errors. The TNIV, which was produced by the same group of translators as the NIV, attempts to resolve those errors.

It's so weird when people consider an English translation of the Bible to be perfect. Reminds me of the old "If the King James Version was good enough for Paul, it is good enough for me!"

Josh Buice said...

I am glad to hear others speaking out against this perverted version! I do not appreciate a board of translators removing all gender specific phrases to please the liberal left. Hopefully this version will die off and be properly buried in the trash can.

I also wanted to invite you and your readers to get involved in our "Practical Thelolgy Discussions" located at the following link:


The current debate is over the subject of alcohol within the walls of Christianity.

God Bless,

Josh Buice
1 John 2:1-2

Steve said...

Hey Josh-

Thanks for your comments though I don't know who you are agreeing with. I am in FAVOR of the TNIV as are the other commentors.

Thanks for the link to your blog. I may post a comment but I have no interest in the debates you all are engaged in.

Grace and peace,