
Wired News: Duke Gives IPods to Freshmen

Wired News: Duke Gives IPods to Freshmen:
Duke University will give each of its 1,650 incoming freshmen a free iPod this fall as part of an initiative to foster innovative uses of technology in the classroom

Wow! Just another reason to go to Duke! This is also more evidence of just how much technology is changing the way we interact with our world. By the time my kids get to college (in another 12 years or so) what will technology be like then? What will learning look like?

With this shift in mind, how should the church change? I pastor two churches full of immigrants who want to preserve the immigrant mindset. But clearly change is happening and natives will thrive in the new emerging culture. Immigrant churches are already stagnant and will continue to decline if they are unable to rethink ministry and mission and retool to reach natives.

If you aren't familiar with the terms "immigrant" and "natives" check out this interview with Len Sweet.

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