
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: AP - U.S.: Catholic Church urged to draw on laity

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: AP - U.S.: Catholic Church urged to draw on laity:
Roman Catholic officials need to look to the laity for many parts of the church's mission that historically have been dominated by priests and nuns

Wow, is the priesthood of all believers even going to apply to the Catholic church? It is amazing what necessity will do to a church...
Bishop William B. Friend of the Diocese of Shreveport, La., said there used to be large numbers of people taking holy orders, enough that Catholic schools and hospitals once were heavily staffed with nuns working as teachers and nurses.

"Now their numbers have diminished. But the good news is there are large numbers of young lay people" who are interested in helping the church, Friend said.

Makes you wonder if they would be considering help from lay people if there wasn't a shortage.

As a pastor, I am always trying to help my congregations understand that they are the ministers. They do the ministry.

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