
CBF workshop explores postmodern phenomenon in churches : Wednesday, July 7, 2004

CBF workshop explores postmodern phenomenon in churches : Wednesday, July 7, 2004:
In the postmodern worship experience, emphasis is often placed on the feel of worship, incorporating the five senses into a service.

This article discusses several of the differences in a "postmodern church" but the feel of the overall article is that the differences are merely on emphasis and on feel and structure.

Yet I believe from my reading that much of what the postmodern church is espousing is far more than new dressing on old forms. The postmodern church is often emphasizing a new theology, a rethinking of the gospel and our understanding of the gospel. It is in many ways a reaction to modern reductionistic thinking especially in regards to the gospel and the church.

Hence the strong reaction to slogan, bumper-sticker theology from the postmodern church. For more on this see Doug Pagitt's blog Camping Mocks the Homeless .

Ultimately, many in the emerging church discussion are seeking to become more authentic followers of Jesus Christ. And to do this, they instinctively know it is far more complex than the simplistic, reductionistic slogans offered by the modern church.

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