
Emerging Solutions—and Problems - Christianity Today Magazine

Sorry for the long delay since I last posted! I've been rather busy with hospital visitation, funerals, leadership issues, denominational meetings, alt.worship services, some big time spiritual warfare, and my growing family. Here's an article that caught my eye. Perhaps you have followed the flap over Carson's book Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church. If not, this article will introduce you to some of the issues. I feel I often straddle the fence on the issue of the emerging church. I haven't jumped in with both feet, but the preaching of Tim Keel and Rob Bell really resonants with me and much of what I have read by McLaren and others does as well. Yet I find myself torn. I also find much that doesn't sit well with me. I think that's why the following quote from the article sums up my feelings as well:
Rather than becoming antagonists, Carson and McLaren should continue in dialogue, so the academic theologian and the missional practitioner might be mutually enriched and refocused.

1 comment:

Idhrendur said...

I'll have to read the article before I have a deeper comment (and I might not even then), but I wanted to assure you that (at least in my case) the delay in posting was alright...I've been bad about reading blogs lately.