
The 100 Minute Bible

The 100-Minute Bible is primarily intended for people who have an interest in Christianity but not the time (nor tenacity!) to read the whole Bible

This concept is really bugging me! What has been determined to be the "core" of the Bible? Can you really pick out the principle stories? And who says which stories are the principle stories?

I have found that people make time for the things they are interested in. If you are interested in fly fishing, quilting, mathematics, philosophy, etc. there are no shortcuts to growing in your understanding of these things. You have to put effort forth. And people do, if they are interested. Why should the Bible be any different? I think the 100 Minute Bible is sending the wrong message! What do you think? Are you as bugged by this as me, or do I need to just chill out?


B said...

Do not "chill out"! you are exactly right. This is another example of our thinking that "if only" we could market God the "right" way "we" could win souls for Christ. It's baloney.

Preach the gospel. Teach your people to tell the good news. Encourage them to live out their vocations and let the Holy Spirit do the Holy Spirit's work and let's not evaluate whether the Holy Spirit is working to our satisfaction based on our ability to observe what the Holy Spirit is doing (as if we really could).

Idhrendur said...

I'm with you on that one! I responded nearly the same way awhile back when I saw "Religion For Dummies" on a store shelf. There are some things that you have to take the full time to consider.