
Nomo Pomo

I'm fully prepared to admit that when we boomers were young, we faddishly embraced church-growth ratios and sociological analysis; we praised these modern tools as the salvation of the church. So it's poetic justice for us now to sit in the back of the room, the balding and befuddled, as the next generation praises the postmodern matrix as the salvation of the church.

But we're both wrong. We've already got a salvation for the church, and he will not share his glory with any current cultural form, no matter how valuable or necessary it may be. If the church uncritically embraced modern culture, the solution is not to uncritically embrace postmodern culture.

Good advice to keep in mind on any new thinking or technique in the church!


Anonymous said...

So help me figure it out....

Is the Bible a guide or the only sure "truth" like I hear so often...I am needing advice, pastor. They tell me that "abolutes" are wrong and usually ugly? Should I believe them? What do you tell your churches?

Steve said...

Hello anonymous-

I had to do some searching to find the article I was quoting. It now should show up as the title to the entry.

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. It sounds like you are asking about the nature of Scripture. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God so yes it is a guide for us.

Since it is God's Word it is also true but it is not the only truth in the world. The Bible isn't a math textbook. It isn't a science textbook. There is much knowledge and truth that we can only learn from sources outside of the Bible.

The Bible functions to reveal God to us. It serves to reveal to us God's workings throughout history to redeem his creation.

As to "they tell me that 'absolutes' are wrong and usually ugly" who is telling you this?

To posit that there is absolutely no such thing as an absolute is self refuting, isn't it?