
Religion Experts Ask How Jesus Would Vote

I found this article via Mile High Musings:
In fact, Jesus might not support Bush or Kerry — or anyone else, for that matter.

"Jesus was not one to take sides on political issues," said Derek Davis, director of the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor University in Waco.

While there were obviously no Democrats or Republicans during the time of Jesus, different groups vied for attention, including the fundamentalist Pharisees, the aristocratic Sadducees, the spiritually devout Essenes and the revolutionist Zealots.

"Interestingly, Jesus never sided with any of these groups but remained above such earthly disputes," Davis said. "This does not mean we should do the same. He was God. We are mere humans."

Now I feel even better about being an independent! (Plus I don't have to bother with the phone calls soliciting money!).

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